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Ruby on Rails のチュートリアルTOP12


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Top 12 Ruby on Rails Tutorials

A former student asked me a few days ago how I learned Ruby on Rails. The answer was that I simply read alot of great tutorials. So in the spirit of sharing, here are the 12 tutorials that I found most useful:

トップ12のRuby on Railsのチュートリアル集。
Ruby on Railsを学ぼうという人には有益な資料になりそう。

  1. Rolling with Ruby on Rails - Curtis Hibbs of ONLamp.com offers his first excellent introduction to Ruby on Rails. This is the article that got me really excited about RoR.
  2. Rolling with Ruby on Rails, Part 2 - The sequel to Curtis Hibbs excellent series of articles.
  3. Four Days on Rails (PDF) - a great tutorial that is broken down into simple tasks that you can do over a four day period. To be quite honest, this tutorial only takes about 2 hours, but nonetheless it is very well organized!
  4. Really Getting Started in Rails - Amy Hoy has a great tutorial that not only covers RoR, but also introduces the reader to many of the basic concepts of the very cool Ruby scripting language.
  5. Tutorial in Ruby on Rails - is a basic tutorial aimed at newbies.

関連の記事検索:ruby, rails, ruby on rails, Ruby, チュートリアル
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By.KJ : 2006年03月30日 15:00 livedoor Readerで購読 Twitterに投稿
