Ruby on Rails のチュートリアルTOP12
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Top 12 Ruby on Rails Tutorials
A former student asked me a few days ago how I learned Ruby on Rails. The answer was that I simply read alot of great tutorials. So in the spirit of sharing, here are the 12 tutorials that I found most useful:
トップ12のRuby on Railsのチュートリアル集。
Ruby on Railsを学ぼうという人には有益な資料になりそう。
- Rolling with Ruby on Rails - Curtis Hibbs of offers his first excellent introduction to Ruby on Rails. This is the article that got me really excited about RoR.
- Rolling with Ruby on Rails, Part 2 - The sequel to Curtis Hibbs excellent series of articles.
- Four Days on Rails (PDF) - a great tutorial that is broken down into simple tasks that you can do over a four day period. To be quite honest, this tutorial only takes about 2 hours, but nonetheless it is very well organized!
- Really Getting Started in Rails - Amy Hoy has a great tutorial that not only covers RoR, but also introduces the reader to many of the basic concepts of the very cool Ruby scripting language.
- Tutorial in Ruby on Rails - is a basic tutorial aimed at newbies.
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- 可愛くアニメーションする「beautifully crafted animated icons」
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- 過去のエントリ