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POP before SMTP をPHPで実現


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[PR] 英単語を忘却曲線アプリを使って超効率よく記憶する方法
POP before SMTP Authentication for PHPMailer - Core PHP

The PHP Mailer class is a wonderful piece of work, and I've used it for years now to handle email sending from PHP (specifically HTML emails and attachments). Although it provides sending via SMTP, it only supports direct SMTP Authentication. Which was great until an application I built moved host and needed "POP before SMTP" Authentication instead. So I wrote this class. I figured I'd post it here incase anyone else had a use for it.
POP before SMTP用のPHPクラスが公開されていて、サンプルどおりにやるとPHPからPOP before SMTPが簡単に実現できます。
※POP before SMTPとは、不正メールの送信や中継を防止するため、メール送信前にPOP認証をしておくというものです。
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By.KJ : 2005年12月02日 18:05 livedoor Readerで購読 Twitterに投稿
